

In the News: Ohio Solar Development

An Ohio manufacturer plans a $9 million expansion to produce steel back rails used in solar modules for First Solar, which also plans a large-scale development in Ohio.

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In The News: Disney Going Solar

Walt Disney World Resort to be powered up to 40% by the sun The Walt Disney World Resort is adding two 75-megawatt solar arrays to its renewable energy portfolio that, combined with existing infrastructure, will provide 40% of the park’s electricity.

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Market snapshot
Market Snapshot for Monday, March 28, 2022

Market Snapshot for Monday, March 28, 2022 MODERATE TEMPERATURES THROUGHOUT THE U.S. The weather is fairly moderate across the country with slightly lower temps in the East and higher temps in the West, but that has not translated into drastically lower demand. MARKET CONTINUES TO EDGE UPWARDS ON UKRAINE FEARS GAS MARKET MOVES UP ALMOST…

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