

PUCO Under Fire for EAP Redaction

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) is under fire for allowing American Electric Power (AEP) officials to redact parts of an audit that examined the operations of two coal plants subsidized by HB6. According to a recent report, PUCO staff members allowed AEP officials to censor information from the audit that could have shed…

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Energy Market Snapshot: Jan 29, 2023

EIA: NATURAL GAS STORAGE REPORT Winter Storm Heather that crossed the USA over the last few weeks significantly increased the demand for gas and electricity, and the freezing temperatures put a large dent in production. During Winter Storm Heather, production dropped from just over 105 bcf/d to over 90 bcf/d. This helped increase the large…

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Activists Fight Ohio State Park Drilling

Ohio environmental groups are pushing back against a state commission that claims its decisions to permit oil and gas drilling in state parks, and wildlife areas can’t be challenged in court. According to Energy News, the commission faces legal action from these groups, who argue that the commission’s claims are unfounded. How this dispute will…

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The North American Electric Reliability Corp Plans For Reliability Standards

The North American Electric Reliability Corp. has announced a three-year plan to develop reliability standards for wind, solar, and battery storage facilities. This initiative represents a significant step towards modernizing the power grid and ensuring the stability and availability of renewable energy sources. According to Utility Dive, the plan will focus on inverter-based resources (IBRs),…

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National Deep Freeze! Energy Market Headlines

WEATHER: 6-10 DAY AND 8-14 DAY OUTLOOK The current wave of freezing temperatures has sent the market northward over $3.00. Freezing temperatures have increased demand and likely caused well-head freeze-offs that have hurt production. The good news is that another warmer front will follow the cold front with warmer temperatures across the country in the…

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