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Tips To Manage Capacity and Increasing Costs

TPI wants to help you manage your capacity and even-increasing utility costs.

Here are some of our best tips:

1. Peak Demand Day Warnings

 There are several peak demand days throughout the year, and warnings are given in advance so you can make sure to adapt your business electricity demand appropriately. The RTO needs to supply the energy grid without any issues of blackouts or shutdowns and often will require the help of local businesses to reduce their electricity during those days.

2. Don’t Put Off That Efficiency Project

An efficiency project, like an LED Lighting upgrade or HVAC Upgrade, can significantly reduce your energy consumption by 50% or more in some cases. 

Benefits of an efficiency project include:

  • A lower monthly electric bill.
  • Reduced maintenance.
  • The opportunity for project rebates or incentives.


3. Refine your daily energy habits


Depending on the specific needs of your business, think about all the energy you use on a given day and brainstorm ways to reduce it. Here are some general tips: 

  • In the winter, lower your thermostat to 68°F when you’re in the office and to 55°F when the office is empty.
  • In the summer, raise your thermostat to 78°F when you’re in the office and 85°F while you’re away.
  • Set your lights on sensors to turn off when no one is in the room (this is especially important for large warehouses and conference rooms).
  • Try running primary machines overnight instead of during peak demand hours.

4. Sign up for Demand Response


Demand Response is a program that allows large consumers to reduce or shift their electricity use during peak demand hours. 

If you’re in a Demand Response program, you may be called upon by the utility to reduce your electric demand, which means shutting down a certain percent of your business for a few hours during peak demand days. Companies in these programs are rewarded with a substantial sum of cash for participating in these programs.


Final Thoughts 

If history shows us anything, it’s that an increase in capacity is an uphill battle. have been followed by more increases the following year.” 

Businesses not in the market for a new contract today should take a serious look at Demand Response and PLC Management programs so they don’t get stuck footing the bill for capacity futures.

Businesses not in the market for a new contract today should take a serious look at Demand Response and PLC Management programs, so they don’t get stuck footing the bill for capacity futures.

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TPI’s energy procurement experts will guide you to the best fit to strengthen your business and its energy budget, assist in scaling your growth as your energy demands expand, keeping your goals top of mind.

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