TPI Efficiency has developed tools to help businesses of all sizes add EV Charging to their locations. As Electric vehicle sales grow year over year, EV charging is an employee benefit and a value-added feature for any clean energy story.

Electric car virtual reality concept with EV charging station fo

There's never been a better time to add EV Charging.

Several state and federal agencies have rebates and grants available. Additionally, local utility suppliers can offer on-bill funding for efficiency projects. 

This can include EV charging stations in many states.

electric car, charging station on the street, in the parking lot Shopping Mall

How To Get Started

Your TPI consultant will evaluate your site capacity and conduct an energy audit.

In addition, they’ll advise of any rebates available as part of the audit process and energy supplier on-bill funding options in the marketplace.

EV Technology: How and Why

With Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) software, your chargers can connect with any network. OCPP is an open-source communication standard for EV charging stations and network software companies. Any EV charging station OCPP-compliant can be configured to run any similarly OCPP-compliant software.

OCPI (Open Charge Point Interface) is an open protocol used to connect charge station operators and service providers. This protocol facilitates automatic roaming for EV drivers across several EV charging networks.

Ready to help reduce your company's carbon footprint with EV charging?

TPI’s energy procurement experts will guide you to the best fit to strengthen your business and its energy budget, assist in scaling your growth as your energy demands expand, keeping your goals top of mind.

Learn More About the Energy Market

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Energy Glossry

Wondering what it all means?

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Energy Audit

Why Your Business Needs an Energy Audit

Let's Talk:

SOLVING FUTURE CHALLENGES TODAY. TPI works on behalf of its clients as an extension of their team to help achieve their goals. Call us TOLL-FREE at 1.877.244.0182 or fill out the form below and one of our Consultants will be in touch!