Market snapshot

Market Snapshot for Monday, March 28, 2022๏ฟผ๏ฟผ

Market Snapshot for Monday, March 28, 2022 MODERATE TEMPERATURES THROUGHOUT THE U.S. The weather is fairly moderate across the country with slightly lower temps in the East and higher temps in the West, but that has not translated into drastically lower demand. MARKET CONTINUES TO EDGE UPWARDS ON UKRAINE FEARS GAS MARKET MOVES UP ALMOST…

Market snapshot

Market Snapshot for the week of March 21, 2022

NATURAL GAS SNAPSHOT: MARKET IN A WATCH, WAIT AND SEE MODE Milder forecasts and higher European pandemic numbers, offset by higher-than-expected withdrawal, kept the market mostly waiting and seeing. We are close to a typical shoulder month in April. A shoulder month is a month typically low demand. Warm enough to turn off the heaters,…

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Does Your Business Need An Energy Procurement Consulting Service?

Procurement Risk Management:  To address several internal and external challenges to a business organization, Total Procurement Intelligence includes procurement risk management in its consulting model. The process involves identifying, assessing, and controlling specific risks that could negatively impact an organization’s capital and income.  How can procurement services help your business? It’s not just large businesses…
