EIA: Renewables Growth
EIA expects renewables to account for 22% of U.S. electricity generation in 2022! The details >>
EIA expects renewables to account for 22% of U.S. electricity generation in 2022! The details >>
LOW STORAGE REPORT AND PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE SENDS THE MARKET HIGHER INCONSISTENT PRODUCTION KEEPS THE PRICING HIGH The market jumped more than a dollar last week as production cutbacks interrupted day-to-day production. As a result, the market moved more than a dollar from Tuesday to Friday. The South and Midwest see cooler temperatures, but much higher…
DetailsMarket Snapshot Weather Forecast MIDDLE AMERICA GETS SOME RELIEF While this summer had brought record heat to many parts of the U.S., this may be the new normal. Temperatures have increased by 1.7 degrees Celsius (almost three degrees Fahrenheit) since 1970. The atmosphere can store about 7 percent more water for every degree Celsius. This…
DetailsEroded trust in the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio leaves consumer advocates skeptical of a recent rate increase request by the state’s largest gas distributor.
Russia’s natural gas pipeline exports to Europe declined to almost 40-year lows. The Story >>
The EIA’s llatest Natural Gas Pipeline Project Tracker includes five new projects—four newly announced projects and one project under construction—since the last update in April 2022. Of the four new projects, three will expand capacity for existing pipelines, and one will be a new pipeline. If completed as planned, these five projects together would increase…
DetailsAn Ohio program awards grants to public transit pilot projects that promote social equity and greenhouse gas reductions while also helping employers attract and retain talent. Low-income workers have long faced a transportation dilemma: “No car, no job; no job, no car.” Pilot projects showed how innovative transit programs can help employers as well.
DetailsDuke Energy requests an additional 7.2% rate hike, citing rising fuel prices. The request would add to the already-approved 16% increase. https://www.wrtv.com/news/state-news/duke-energy-requests-additional-7-2-rate-hike-citing-rising-fuel-prices