Feel like there are billing errors on your recent gas bills?
After several customers have received inaccurate bills in recent weeks, a newspaper explains what to do if the weather normalization adjustment on your gas bill seems wrong.
After several customers have received inaccurate bills in recent weeks, a newspaper explains what to do if the weather normalization adjustment on your gas bill seems wrong.
HEAT PERSISTS THROUGH TEXAS AND THE PLAINS STATES JULY MARKET CONTINUES TO SLIP DOWNWARDS FREEPORT AND EASING WEATHER EXTREMES From a high of $9.54 on June 8th, when the Freeport facility suffered the explosion, the market dropped $3.45 in less than three weeks. While the slide has slowed, easing extremely hot weather forecasts has helped…
TPI Takeaway WARMER TEMPERATURES COAST TO COAST WILL RESULT IN HIGHER DEMAND Despite the drop in Natural Gas which has historically been a massive driver of electricity prices, the cost of electricity continues to rise. This is primarily due to extreme temperatures and demand from coast to coast. This summer is predicted to be a…
EIA reports that European liquid natural gas (LNG) imports set an all-time historical record high in April 2022 The details: https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=52758
RECORD HEAT CONTINUES THROUGH THE PLAINS STATES AND TEXAS Even with 1/6th to 1/7th of exports off the board, record heat in the South and in the Plains states continues to drive pricing. Cooling demand is here and here to stay for the next few months. EXPLOSION AT FREEPORT LNG FACILITY SENDS MARKET TUMBLING FREEPORT…
During the first four months of 2022, the United States exported 74% of its liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe, compared with an annual average of 34% last year. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=52659 #EIA #LNG #naturalgasexports #europe #naturalgas
TPI Takeaway WARMER TEMPS FROM THE SOUTH WILL MEAN MORE COOLING DEGREE DAYS Warmer weather will increase the amount of demand for Natural Gas as air conditioners turn on all over the country. This higher demand could push the market above $9.00 this week. MARKET BOUNCES IN MID $8.00 RANGE, AND WILL LIKELY MOVE HIGHER…
EIA reports that FERC Approves new natural gas pipeline projects to increase exports.
Natural Gas WINTER 22-23 WORRIES CONTINUE TO PRESSURE THE MARKET UPWARDS NO RELIEF IN SIGHT. Worries about the lack of injections and possible storage shortages for next winter kept the Natural Gas price hovering near $8.00 for the week. Increased LNG exports will make up the bulk of increased demand in 2022, keeping pricing high…