

All Eyes On The Natural Gas Market

MARKET CONTINUES TO SHOOT SKYWARD, PASSING $7.00 THE NATURAL GAS MARKET ROSE OVER A DOLLAR LAST WEEK. Storage concerns for next winter continued to drive the price of Natural Gas up and up with no ceiling in sight. A combination of storage worries, Ukraine worries, and cooler weather sent the market up more than a…

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EIA: Wind was the second-largest source of U.S. electricity generation on March 29

On Tuesday, March 29, wind turbines in the Lower 48 states produced 2,017 gigawatthours (GWh) of electricity, making wind the second-largest source of electric generation for the day, only behind natural gas, according to EIA’s Hourly Electric Grid Monitor.  Daily wind-powered electricity had surpassed coal-fired and nuclear electricity generation separately on other days earlier this year…

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TPI Market Snapshot for Monday, April 11, 2022

Energy News: E.U. Recommends Russian Ban The E.U. recommends a complete oil, gas, and coal ban on Russian energy. This recommendation carries no official weight, and, so far, only Russian coal has been sanctioned. But this recommendation is another step closer to Europe banning all Russian energy over the Ukraine invasion. The U.S. will have…

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