

All Eyes On The Natural Gas Market

MARKET CONTINUES TO SHOOT SKYWARD, PASSING $7.00 THE NATURAL GAS MARKET ROSE OVER A DOLLAR LAST WEEK. Storage concerns for next winter continued to drive the price of Natural Gas up and up with no ceiling in sight. A combination of storage worries, Ukraine worries, and cooler weather sent the market up more than a…

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EIA: Wind was the second-largest source of U.S. electricity generation on March 29

On Tuesday, March 29, wind turbines in the Lower 48 states produced 2,017 gigawatthours (GWh) of electricity, making wind the second-largest source of electric generation for the day, only behind natural gas, according to EIA’s Hourly Electric Grid Monitor.  Daily wind-powered electricity had surpassed coal-fired and nuclear electricity generation separately on other days earlier this year…

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