Introducing the Smart Valve™ - Reduce Your Water and Sewer Bills Up to 30%

Is your business paying too much for water and sewer costs?

TPI Efficiency has an innovative new solution that can help you save 10-30% on your monthly water bills with a quick payback period – the Smart Valve™.

What is the Smart Valve™?

The Smart Valve™ is a patented, cost-effective retrofit installed on your side of the water meter. It works 24/7 to maximize water pressure and decrease water consumption, reducing utility costs.

smart valve water

How Does it Work?

  • Mitigating billing for entrapped air that gets measured by water meters
  • Stabilizes water flow and pressure to ensure accurate meter readings 
  • Reduces excessive water pressure to prevent overconsumption and leaks
  • Acts as a shock absorber against damaging pressure surges

Once installed, the Smart Valve™ requires no maintenance. You “set it and forget it” and watch the savings add up on your monthly bills.

Get Smart About Your Water Bills

TPI Efficiency’s latest product offering is water cost-saving retrofits on your side of the water meter, which maximizes pressure to decrease water and sewer costs by 10-30%.  

The Smart Valve™ will save you money and water. It works 24/7/365 and requires no maintenance. All you have to do is set it and forget it. The only difference you will notice will be in your wallet. 

It does not negatively affect any pressure-sensitive equipment in your facility as our engineers custom design the valves.  

If your monthly meter costs more than $2000, our engineers can design a system that will pay back in under two years, frequently under a year.  To present an indicative proposal, we just need a month’s worth of your water and sewer bills.


Smart Valve is a cost-effective solution for reducing utility bills.

Delivery: The Problem With Water

Several potential problems inherent in water delivery, usage, and metering can impact water consumption and costs. Most of these concerns revolve around water system pressure (PSI), flow rate (GPM), and turbulence.

It’s a simple fact that along with the volume of water passing through your water meter is a volume of air. The volume of that air will vary as the water pressure fluctuates between static and dynamic pressure. The problem is that over 99% of water meters are measured by volume, regardless of whether that volume is liquid or gas.

Water meters are designed to be accurate within a specific flow range (GPM). If the flow rate exceeds this range, the meter can measure inaccurately, charging you for more than the gallonage used.

City pressure can fluctuate significantly, causing pressure surges and drops. These can cause the meter to overspin and damage water systems and equipment. Surges also occur anytime you go from a closed system (static) to an open system (dynamic), such as when you use no water and turn on your faucet or hose.

Water fixtures in your building are typically designed for water pressure of no more than 65 PSI. The water pressure delivered by your municipality (city pressure) is often much higher, resulting in too much water being pushed through your fixtures and potentially leaking through seals and gaskets designed for 65 PSI, resulting in increased maintenance and replacement costs.


How The Smart Valve™ Works

Air Compression

The SMART VALVE™ air compression benefit works on all single-jet, multi-jet, and turbine category positive displacement meters. These makeup over 99% of all water meters in use. The physics are based upon Boyle’s Law regarding gas pressure and volume and Le Chatelier’s principle of volumetric dynamics. 

The SMART VALVE™ is installed in the water line on the USER side of the water meter. The variable spring-loaded plunger maintains a constant ‘backpressure.’

 This pressurized column of water extends upstream through and past the water meter. When air reaches this pressurized water, the air becomes compressed and no longer maintains any volume. It passes by the water meter in this compressed state until it passes through the SMART VALVE™ and soon returns to its original uncompressed state. The SMART VALVE™ does NOT physically remove the air from the water; it just eliminates the volume of the air and prevents the water meter from measuring it. 

A typical example of entrained gasses in a fluid is shaking up a soda bottle.

The gasses are trapped in the soda but have no volume until you remove the bottle cap. Once you remove the cap and thus reduce the pressure, the gasses suddenly have a lot of volume! The SMART VALVE is like a bottle cap that keeps the system pressurized at the water meter. You won’t notice any difference in the water coming into your facility, but you will see that your water meter is now spinning less.


Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a multi-purpose medical facility in Nashville, TN, installed the Smart Valve™ to address high water consumption and costs. The results have been impressive, with significant savings in both water usage and expenses.
Property Description: Multi-Purpose Medical  
Consumption before installation: 
2000 Dates/Time Period: May 2021 – Aug 2021
CCF per month: 3,2101
Consumption after installation: 
Dates/Time Period: May 2022 – Aug 2022 
CCF per month: 2,473 
Annualized Savings: $90,000
Gallons: 551,276
23% Reduction
“…the Smart Valve appears to be making a significant impact. Through 7 months we have experienced a savings of about 23%, equaling to more than $67,000. If this trend continues, we should see a savings in excess of $90,000/year."
Mike Gable


The installation of the Smart Valve™ at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has led to substantial cost savings and a significant reduction in water

This case study highlights the effectiveness of the Smart Valve™ in managing water usage and reducing utility bills for large facilities.

How Smart Valve Works

Pressure And Flow Stabilization

Another way in which water meters can be inaccurate is during very high or low flow or a pressure surge. Water meters are designed to be accurate within a specific flow range. If the flow exceeds this range, the metering can overread consumption. This is especially true during a surge, such as when no water is flowing, resulting in a higher static pressure, which can create an initial surge when the water line is opened. 

The pressure suddenly drops to the lower dynamic pressure. Surges can also be caused by variability in the municipal water supply. 

The SMART VALVE’s™ proprietary variable spring-loaded technology eliminates these peaks and valleys. It creates a smooth, even flow that keeps your meter readings more accurate and protects against damage from a surge.

Smart Valve:

Reduced Consumption

An effect of creating backpressure upstream is a corresponding pressure drop downstream. With the 2nd Generation SMART VALVE™ we can precisely control the amount of pressure drop from a little to a lot to fit your system needs.

A positive side effect of this pressure drop is that it will save the user additional money by reducing water consumption in non-volumetric water uses such as showers, sinks, hoses, etc. The same five-minute shower will use slightly less water. While you won’t notice it in the shower, it adds to your water bill!

Furthermore, almost all water devices are designed for approximately 60-65 psi water supply. A higher psi can cause excessive water delivery and leaks at seals and gaskets that can often go undetected.

In these cases, a pressure reducer is typically used to maintain a 60-65 psi to the facility. Unfortunately, these devices require maintenance and often fail. The SMART VALVE™ can act like a controllable pressure reducer in high-PSI water systems, eliminating the problems caused by excessive water pressure.

Other Benefits:

The SMART VALVE™ is a secondary backflow preventer to protect the municipal water supply. 

This is becoming increasingly important as municipalities seek to protect their water reserves from contamination better.

The Bottom Line - The Smart Valve™ will:

  • Keep the water line pressurized at the meter to avoid being charged for air volume
  • Keep your flow rate in the desired range for additional water meter accuracy
  • Reduce excessively high water pressure
  • Eliminate overconsumption due to high-pressure
  • Conserve water, especially in facilities without pressure reducers or flow regulators
  • Act as a shock absorber against pressure surges and drops

The Smart Valve™ will save you money and water; it works 24/7/365 with no maintenance needed. All you have to do is set it and forget it. The only difference you will notice will be in your wallet. 

Specs & Technical Data

Customized Specifications

Each SMART VALVE™ is built to exact specifications based on the specific water system parameters. Spring tension is calibrated based on the users’ pressure and flow profile. The existing pipe configuration determines connection types. A completed site survey is required for all orders.



The SMART VALVE™ is made primarily of Acetron GP, a solid, self-lubricating space-age resin created by Quadrants. Acetron GP is the material of choice when precision parts are required for impact and wear resistance in various industrial and mechanical applications. With low, consistent internal stress, this material experiences little dimensional change during use.

Acetron GP is also an ideal material for use in wet environments because it resists moisture, will not accumulate particulates, will not rust, and self-seals exceptionally well, eliminating the need for seals and gaskets that would wear out, making Acetron GP the ideal choice for the SMART VALVE. All non-Acetron GP components are manufactured from food-grade stainless steel.



The SMART VALVE™ is available in the following standard plumbing sizes:

  • 5/8″ 3/4″ 1″ 1.5″ 2″ 3″ 4″ 6″ 8″ 10″ 12″ Larger sizes available on a custom order.
  • Sizes 2″ and below are female double threaded.
  • Sizes 3″ and above are flanged on both ends with a standard bolt pattern. 

Please get in touch with us for special sizes or configurations.


  • Valve body, plunger, backplate: Acetron GP
  • Shaft, spring: Food-grade Stainless Steel

The SMART VALVE™ is installed on the USER side of the water meter.

The valve is made in flanged and threaded configurations according to your system pipe design.

A licensed plumber should install the SMART VALVE™ can easily install the unit.

All installations should include gaskets on flanged units or pipe tape on threaded units to prevent water leakage. 


The Smart Valve™ - Reduce Your Water & Sewer Bills by Up to 30%

Get a Free Analysis

Our engineers can analyze your past 12 months of water bills to determine if the Smart Valve™ is a good fit for your facility. If the projected savings are significant, they’ll custom design a Smart Valve™ system with frequent payback under 1-2 years.

Don’t keep overpaying for water and sewer services.

Contact us today to request your free water bill analysis and start saving with the Smart Valve™!

Asked Questions

The amount of money you will save is determined by several factors, including:

  • City pressure (PSI) and amount of pressure fluctuation
  • Flow rate and flow capacity (GPM)
  • The amount of air in the line at any given time
  • The amount of non-volumetric water consumption
  • The savings you will experience are impossible to predict accurately and will vary with the conditions above. On average, our customers see +/- 20% savings, but users have savings as high as 35% and as low as 10%. What's important is that once you install the Smart Valve™, it works 24/7/365. You will realize the total amount of savings available within your water supply without ever thinking about it again, and it will keep saving you money for as long as it is installed on your water line.

The typical Return on Investment (ROI) for installing a Smart Valve™ is quite favorable, often resulting in significant cost savings within a short period. Here are the key points regarding the ROI:

  1. Payback Period

General Payback: The Smart Valve™ typically pays for itself in under two years, frequently in less than one year, especially for facilities with high monthly water costs

Specific Examples:

- A medical facility in Tennessee reduced its water consumption by 23%, resulting in $90,000 in cost savings.

- A restaurant customer in Tennessee saw a 16% reduction in water bills.

- A user in Tampa, FL, reported savings of $50,000 over two years, reducing their water and sewer charges from $240,000 to $190,000.

- Another user in Fullerton, CA, experienced a 9.5% reduction in monthly water consumption, saving $5,600.

  1. Savings Percentage

Average Savings: Customers typically see savings of 10% to 30% on their water and sewer bills.

- Case Studies:

- Savings have ranged from 11% to 23% in apartment properties.

- A Toronto condominium complex lowered water costs by 28% or approximately $2,000 monthly.

  1. Return on Investment (ROI) Metrics

- ROI: The ROI can be as high as 400%, with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 50%.

- Rapid ROI: Most customers experience a 6 to 8-month return on their investment, with savings of 15% to 35% on their bills.

  1. Maintenance-Free Operation

- No Maintenance Costs: The Smart Valve™ operates 24/7/365 without requiring maintenance, further contributing to cost savings by eliminating the need for regular upkeep and associated expenses.


The Smart Valve™ offers a rapid and substantial ROI, with typical payback periods of less than two years and average savings of 10% to 30% on water and sewer bills. The device's maintenance-free operation and significant cost savings make it a financially rewarding investment for commercial and residential users.

The Smart Valve™ prevents water meter inaccuracies through several vital mechanisms:

  1. Air Compression

The Smart Valve™ compresses the air in the water line before it reaches the water meter. This is based on Boyle's Law, which states that the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional. By maintaining a constant backpressure, the Smart Valve™ compresses the air, reducing its volume so that it is not measured by the water meter. This prevents the meter from inaccurately recording air as water, leading to more accurate billing.

  1. Pressure and Flow Stabilization

Water meters are designed to be accurate within a specific flow range. Variations in water pressure, such as surges and drops, can cause the meter to over-spin and record higher usage than actual. The Smart Valve™ uses a variable spring-loaded plunger to stabilize water pressure and flow, eliminating peaks and valleys. This ensures that the water meter operates within its accurate flow range, preventing overreading and protecting against damage from pressure surges.

  1. Reduced Consumption

By creating backpressure upstream, the Smart Valve™ causes a corresponding pressure drop downstream. This reduces actual water consumption in non-volumetric water uses such as showers, sinks, and hoses. The reduced pressure also helps prevent leaks at seals and gaskets, contributing to accurate meter readings and lower water bills.


  1. Secondary Backflow Prevention

The Smart Valve™ is a secondary backflow preventer, protecting the municipal water supply from contamination. This feature ensures that the water meter only measures the intended water flow, free from any backflow that could cause inaccuracies.

  1. Customizable and Adjustable

The Smart Valve™ is externally adjustable, allowing for precise calibration to the specific water system parameters. This ensures the valve can be fine-tuned to maintain optimal performance and accuracy, even as system conditions change.

By compressing air, stabilizing pressure and flow, reducing consumption, preventing backflow, and allowing for customization, the Smart Valve™ effectively prevents water meter inaccuracies, leading to more accurate billing and significant cost savings for users.

Here are the key points regarding how air compression enables the Smart Valve™ to work:

  1. Air Compression at the Water Meter 

- The Smart Valve™ maintains a constant backpressure upstream of the water meter by compressing entrapped air in the water line.

- This compressed air has no volume as it passes through the water meter, preventing the meter from measuring the volume of air.

- After passing through the Smart Valve™, the compressed air returns downstream to its original uncompressed state.

  1. Leveraging Boyle's Law and Le Chatelier's Principle 

- The Smart Valve™ utilizes the scientific principles of Boyle's Law (relationship between gas pressure and volume) and Le Chatelier's Principle (volumetric dynamics).

- By compressing the air before it reaches the water meter, the Smart Valve™ eliminates the excess volume of air that would otherwise be measured and billed.


  1. Accurate Water Meter Readings

- Water meters are designed to measure volume, including both water and air volumes.

- By compressing the air, the Smart Valve™ prevents the water meter from registering the air volume, leading to more accurate meter readings and lower water bills.

In summary, the air compression capability of the Smart Valve™ is fundamental to reducing water bills by preventing water meters from measuring and billing for the volume of entrapped air in water lines. Before reaching the meter, this air compression ensures only the actual water volume is calculated and charged.

The Smart Valve™ prevents water meter inaccuracies through several vital mechanisms:

  1. Air Compression

The Smart Valve™ compresses the air in the water line before it reaches the water meter. This is based on Boyle's Law, which states that the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional. By maintaining a constant backpressure, the Smart Valve™ compresses the air, reducing its volume so that it is not measured by the water meter. This prevents the meter from inaccurately recording air as water, leading to more accurate billing.

  1. Pressure and Flow Stabilization

Water meters are designed to be accurate within a specific flow range. Variations in water pressure, such as surges and drops, can cause the meter to over-spin and record higher usage than actual. The Smart Valve™ uses a variable spring-loaded plunger to stabilize water pressure and flow, eliminating peaks and valleys. This ensures that the water meter operates within its accurate flow range, preventing overreading and protecting against damage from pressure surges.

  1. Reduced Consumption

By creating backpressure upstream, the Smart Valve™ causes a corresponding pressure drop downstream. This reduces actual water consumption in non-volumetric water uses such as showers, sinks, and hoses. The reduced pressure also helps prevent leaks at seals and gaskets, contributing to accurate meter readings and lower water bills.

  1. Secondary Backflow Prevention

The Smart Valve™ is a secondary backflow preventer, protecting the municipal water supply from contamination. This feature ensures that the water meter only measures the intended water flow, free from any backflow that could cause inaccuracies.

  1. Customizable and Adjustable

The Smart Valve™ is externally adjustable, allowing for precise calibration to the specific water system parameters. This ensures the valve can be fine-tuned to maintain optimal performance and accuracy, even as system conditions change.


By compressing air, stabilizing pressure and flow, reducing consumption, preventing backflow, and allowing for customization, the Smart Valve™ effectively prevents water meter inaccuracies, leading to more accurate billing and significant cost savings for users.

The Smart Valve™ handles pressure surges and drops through its proprietary variable spring-loaded technology, which acts as a "shock absorber" to stabilize water pressure and flow. Here are the fundamental mechanisms by which it achieves this:

  1. Variable Spring-Loaded Plunger

The Smart Valve™ features a variable spring-loaded plunger that maintains a constant backpressure in the water line. This back pressure helps to smooth out fluctuations in water pressure, ensuring a stable and even flow through the water meter.

  1. Pressure and Flow Stabilization

Water meters are designed to be accurate within a specific flow range. The meter can overread consumption when the flow exceeds this range, such as during a pressure surge. The Smart Valve™ eliminates these peaks and valleys by creating a smooth, even flow. This stabilization prevents the meter from over-spinning and recording inaccurate readings.

  1. Shock Absorption

The Smart Valve™ acts as a shock absorber against pressure surges and drops. When a sudden change from static to dynamic pressure, such as when a faucet is turned on, the Smart Valve™ absorbs the initial surge, preventing it from causing the water meter to overread. This protection extends to variability in the municipal water supply, which can also cause pressure surges.

  1. Reduced Consumption

By creating backpressure upstream, the Smart Valve™ causes a corresponding pressure drop downstream. This controlled pressure drop reduces water consumption in non-volumetric water uses, such as showers and sinks, without affecting the user experience. This pressure reduction also helps prevent leaks at seals and gaskets, further contributing to accurate meter readings.


The Smart Valve™ effectively handles pressure surges and drops by maintaining constant backpressure, stabilizing flow, acting as a shock absorber, and reducing downstream pressure. These mechanisms ensure accurate water meter readings and protect against damage from pressure fluctuations, ultimately leading to significant cost savings and improved water system performance.

The Smart Valve™ requires no maintenance once installed. Here are the key points regarding its maintenance-free operation:

  1. Continuous Operation

- The Smart Valve™ is designed to work 24/7/365 without needing maintenance. This means that once it is installed, it operates continuously, providing consistent savings and performance without requiring regular upkeep.

  1. Durable Construction

- The Smart Valve™ is constructed from high-quality materials such as Acetron GP, a self-lubricating, impact-resistant resin, and food-grade stainless steel. These materials ensure durability and moisture resistance, contributing to the valve's maintenance-free nature.

  1. No Moving Parts Requiring Regular Service

- The only movement within the Smart Valve™ is the compression of a spring and the associated opening and closing of a gasket-less plunger and housing. This simple mechanical design minimizes the potential for wear and tear, reducing the need for maintenance.

  1. External Adjustability

- The Smart Valve™ is externally adjustable, allowing quick and easy adjustments without turning off the water or removing the device. This feature ensures the valve can be fine-tuned to maintain optimal performance without requiring maintenance interventions.


The Smart Valve™ is designed to be a set-it-and-forget-it solution, requiring no maintenance after installation. Its durable construction, simple mechanical design, and external adjustability contribute to its maintenance-free operation, making it a reliable and cost-effective choice for reducing water and sewer costs.

The Smart Valve™ offers several benefits for high-PSI (pounds per square inch) water systems, addressing common issues related to excessive water pressure. Here are the key benefits:

  1. Pressure Reduction

The Smart Valve™ acts as a controllable pressure reducer in high-PSI water systems. It maintains a consistent water pressure of around 60-65 psi, which is optimal for most water devices. This helps prevent excessive water delivery and leaks at seals and gaskets, often designed for lower pressure levels.

  1. Elimination of Overconsumption

By reducing water pressure to a manageable level, the Smart Valve™ helps eliminate water overconsumption. High water pressure can lead to more water than necessary, especially in non-volumetric water uses such as showers, sinks, and hoses. The Smart Valve™ ensures that water consumption is within reasonable limits, leading to significant cost savings.

  1. Protection Against Pressure Surges

The Smart Valve™ acts as a shock absorber, smoothing out pressure surges and drops that can occur due to variability in the municipal water supply or sudden changes from static to dynamic pressure. This stabilization prevents the water meter from over-spinning and recording inaccurate readings, protecting the water system and equipment from damage.

  1. Reduced Maintenance Requirements

Traditional pressure reducers often require regular maintenance and can fail over time. The Smart Valve™ is designed to be maintenance-free, operating 24/7/365 without regular upkeep. This reliability reduces the overall maintenance burden and associated costs.

  1. Secondary Backflow Prevention

The Smart Valve™ includes a secondary backflow preventer, which helps to protect the municipal water supply from contamination. This feature is essential in high-PSI systems where backflow can pose a significant risk.

  1. Customizable and Adjustable

The Smart Valve™ is externally adjustable, allowing for precise control of the pressure drop to fit specific system needs. This customization ensures that the valve can be fine-tuned to maintain optimal performance and adapt to changing conditions in the water system.


In summary, the Smart Valve™ provides several benefits for high-PSI water systems, including pressure reduction, elimination of overconsumption, protection against pressure surges, reduced maintenance requirements, secondary backflow prevention, and customizable settings. These features contribute to more accurate water meter readings, lower water bills, and improved system performance.

The cost savings associated with installing a Smart Valve™ can be substantial, typically ranging from 10% to 30% on water and sewer bills. Here are the key points regarding the cost savings:

  1. Reduction in Water and Sewer Bills

General Savings: The Smart Valve™ can reduce water and sewer costs by 10-30% by preventing the water meter from measuring air volume in the water line and stabilizing water pressure and flow.

Case Studies:

Various case studies highlight significant savings:

- A medical facility in Tennessee reduced its water consumption by 23%, resulting in $90,000 in cost savings.

- A restaurant customer in Tennessee saw a 16% reduction in water bills.

- A user in Tampa, FL, reported savings of $50,000 over two years, reducing their water and sewer charges from $240,000 to $190,000.

- Another user in Fullerton, CA, experienced a 9.5% reduction in monthly water consumption, saving $5,600 per month.

  1. Quick Payback Period

Payback Period: The Smart Valve™ often pays for itself in under two years, frequently in less than one year, especially for facilities with high monthly water costs.

Return on Investment (ROI): The ROI can be as high as 400%, with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 50%

  1. Maintenance-Free Operation

No Maintenance Costs: The Smart Valve™ operates 24/7/365 without requiring maintenance, further contributing to cost savings by eliminating the need for regular upkeep and associated expenses.

  1. Additional Benefits

Reduced Overconsumption: By reducing excessive water pressure, the Smart Valve™ helps prevent overconsumption and leaks, leading to additional savings].

Secondary Backflow Prevention: The valve acts as a secondary backflow preventer, protecting the municipal water supply and potentially reducing costs related to water contamination issues.


The Smart Valve™ offers significant savings by reducing water and sewer bills, providing a quick payback period, eliminating maintenance costs, and preventing overconsumption and leaks. These benefits make it a financially rewarding investment for commercial and residential users.

The higher the pressure in a system, the more water will be 'pushed' through it. We are seeing higher and higher city pressure readings as municipalities grow and must deliver more and more water through their existing infrastructure. The only way to provide more water is to replace the water system with larger pipes, which is usually not feasible, or to 'crank up' the pressure.

This problem occurs because water fixtures are designed for pressures of up to 65 PSI. This is even more true in older facilities without a pressure regulator or water fixtures designed for water conservation.

There is no debate that air is present in our water lines. Water systems are pressurized, but they are not vacuums. They are designed with this fact in mind to prevent potentially serious problems such as air blocks and air hammering. If there were no air to compensate for the average pressure drop during demand, we would see cavitation and damage to our pipes and fixtures. The only real question is how much air there is. 

The VOLUME is not constant and is determined mainly by system pressure at any given point in the system. Because the volume of a gas is inversely related to pressure, the greater the pressure drop, the greater the air volume.

It maintains close to 'city pressure' UPSTREAM through the water meter to the city main by preventing the pressure drops from the property during normal water usage from reaching the water meter.

Not allowing the pressure to drop as much at the meter prevents the air from expanding in volume, which can be measured by the water meter. Furthermore, it keeps your water meter operating within its designed flow range and reduces oversupply caused by higher-than-desired city pressure.

The Smart Valve™ does not remove the air. It prevents it from DECOMPRESSING and expanding in volume due tothe pressure drop caused by average demand. Once the air passes through the water meter and the Smart Valve, the pressure drops as before and continues to the property.

Anything in a water line will create some pressure drop. Even your water meter or a bend in a pipe causes a pressure drop. Fortunately, water systems are designed to have excess pressure.

The Smart Valve 'borrows' some excess downstream pressure in every system to create the desired effect upstream. For the Smart Valve™ to work, the system must be able to tolerate at least a slight drop in PSI; however, with the EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE versions of the Smart Valve™, we can control the amount of PSI drop between zero (no effect) and a significant pressure drop, all depending on what can be tolerated. The goal is to find the most robust setting on the Smart Valve (to get the best possible results) that will not cause too much pressure loss. This is why external adjustability is critical to success.

If you have no problems or complaints due to low water pressure, your property is a good candidate for the Smart Valve™.

The Smart Valve™ is legal to install on the user side of the water meter (after the backflow preventer if one is present). Installation must comply with all applicable laws, codes, and standard plumbing practices in your area; however, no special permits or permission should be necessary.

The Smart Valve™ is constructed of powerful, durable Acetron GP and stainless steel. It complies with NSF / ANSI 61 (potable water) and NSF / ANSI 372 (lead-free) and is safe for use with all potable and non-potable water applications.

Every Smart Valve™ comes with a 10-Year Manufacturer's Limited Warranty.

The Smart Valve™ handles fluctuations in municipal water pressure through several critical mechanisms designed to stabilize pressure and flow, ensuring accurate water meter readings and protecting the water system from damage. Here are the primary ways it achieves this:

  1. Variable Spring-Loaded Technology

The Smart Valve™ uses a proprietary variable spring-loaded plunger that maintains a constant backpressure in the water line. This back pressure helps to smooth out fluctuations in water pressure, creating a stable and even flow through the water meter. This technology acts as a "shock absorber," eliminating peaks and valleys in water pressure that can occur due to variability in the municipal water supply or sudden changes from static to dynamic pressure.

  1. Air Compression

The Smart Valve™ compresses the air in the water line before it reaches the water meter. By maintaining a constant backpressure, the valve prevents the air from expanding and being measured by the water meter. This ensures that only the actual volume of water is measured, not the air, leading to more accurate meter readings.

  1. Pressure and Flow Stabilization

Water meters are designed to be accurate within a specific flow range. The meter can overread consumption when the flow exceeds this range, such as during a pressure surge. The Smart Valve™ stabilizes the flow by eliminating these surges, ensuring the water meter operates within its accurate flow range. This prevents overreading and protects the water system from damage caused by pressure surges.

  1. Reduced Consumption

By creating backpressure upstream, the Smart Valve™ causes a corresponding pressure drop downstream. This controlled pressure drop reduces actual water consumption in non-volumetric water uses, such as showers, sinks, and hoses, without affecting the user experience. This pressure reduction also helps prevent leaks at seals and gaskets, further contributing to accurate meter readings and lower water bills.

  1. Secondary Backflow Prevention

The Smart Valve™ includes a secondary backflow preventer, which helps to protect the municipal water supply from contamination. This feature ensures that the water meter only measures the intended water flow, free from any backflow that could cause inaccuracies.


The Smart Valve™ effectively handles fluctuations in municipal water pressure by maintaining constant backpressure, stabilizing flow, compressing air, reducing consumption, and preventing backflow. These mechanisms ensure accurate water meter readings, protect the water system from damage, and lead to significant cost savings for users.

The Smart Valve™ requires no maintenance once installed. Here are the key points regarding its maintenance-free operation:

  1. Continuous Operation

- The Smart Valve™ is designed to work 24/7/365 without needing maintenance. Once installed, it operates continuously, providing consistent savings and performance without requiring regular upkeep.

  1. Durable Construction

- The Smart Valve™ is constructed from high-quality materials such as Acetron GP, a self-lubricating, impact-resistant resin, and food-grade stainless steel. These materials ensure durability and moisture resistance, contributing to the valve's maintenance-free nature.

  1. No Moving Parts Requiring Regular Service

- The only movement within the Smart Valve™ is the compression of a spring and the associated opening and closing of a gasket-less plunger and housing. This simple mechanical design minimizes the potential for wear and tear, reducing the need for maintenance.

  1. External Adjustability

- The Smart Valve™ is externally adjustable, allowing quick and easy adjustments without turning off the water or removing the device. This feature ensures the valve can be fine-tuned to maintain optimal performance without requiring maintenance interventions.



The Smart Valve™ is designed to be a set-it-and-forget-it solution, requiring no maintenance after installation. Its durable construction, simple mechanical design, and external adjustability contribute to its maintenance-free operation, making it a reliable and cost-effective choice for reducing water and sewer costs.




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With our vendor-neutral team of consultants, we will analyze your projects via an independent audit process and provide proposals for significant energy savings across your business.

"We have been working with TPI for a number of years, and the reason for that is because of the exceptional and exemplary service that we have received. They know the industry, market, and how to make all those moving parts work in just the right way for us to get competitive numbers."

"Since we engaged TPI, they have been extremely diligent in ensuring that our best interests are being sought after. Additionally, they have represented us aggressively to find us savings in a variety of areas. They are very proactive, but also quick to respond, as questions arise. I highly recommend TPI, without question."

"I'm a Sr. Accounting Manager and Business Analyst working for a poultry processor located in the Shenandoah Valley of VA. Our company has used the services of TPI for several years. TPI has provided me personally with the absolute best customer service of any vendor I have ever dealt with in my 20+ year career. They have saved us money, brought forwards several cost savings Projects and served as an advocate and liaison with our energy companies/vendors we use. They have shown themselves to be reliable and accessible around the clock. If you need any assistance in dealing with problems and opportunities in the Energy field, you should do yourself a favor and get in touch with these guys."


A vendor-neutral approach allows your TPI Energy Consultant to sit at the table as a trusted partner and assist you in making the best decision for your business.


Whether investigating potential savings or mitigating rising costs, TPI helps you find the supplier and contract to fit your needs.


We monitor the dynamic and ever-changing natural gas market and advises your business on the best product, terms, price, and time to buy to maximize your purchasing strategy.


TPI consultants will review your spend and give you options to optimize your facilities’ energy consumption.


A short description of the service and how the visitor will benefit from it.