
June 24, 2024

Peak Demand Alert: ๐Ÿ”ฅ Tues. & Wed. Potential Days

The PJM grid forecasts high daily electricity demand as the hot weather lingers. The hot weather conditions are expected to drive energy demand levels, threatening grid reliability.ย  PJM Forecasted Demand: Monday,ย June 24, 2024Expected Peak Timeframe:ย 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm ESTPotential Peak Demand:ย 132,034ย MW Tuesday,ย June 25, 2024Expected Peak Timeframe:ย 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm ESTPotential Peak Demand:ย 142,450 MW…

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Energy Market Snapshot: June 24, 2024

NYMEX NATURAL GAS CALENDAR STRIPS ALL ABOUT THE NYMEX TWELVE-MONTH STRIPย  6-10 DAY AND 8-14 DAY OUTLOOK The forecast for late June/early July turned slightlyย cooler, resulting in a slight price drop for natural gas and electricity. After reaching $3.15 two weeks ago, July Natural Gas has sunk to $2.68. However, we will be switching to…

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